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Kimber and Tucker Safety Coordinators

Winter, 2015

Date: February 28, 2015

Attention: Current Safety Clients

Again this season, Kimber and Tucker have a few announcements relating to your Safety Programs. Please take a few minutes to review the following, initiated as part of our continued commitment to effectively coordinate your current Safety Program.

New Brunswick WC Act/ OHS Act amendments:
Legislative changes introduced in the N.B. Act and Regulations on June 1, 2014, were given a one year grace period. Be aware, as of June 1, 2015, JOHS or Safety Committees must meet regulatory standards. It is our recommendation that you review with your Coordinator these changes, and how they affect your company. JOHSC Rep Training dates can be viewed on the WorkSafe NB Website. There is no fee associated with this training.

PEI Safety Certification Training:
In early January of this year, all PEI based clients were informed via newsletter of an upcoming HSE Integrated Safety Certification course. The course is now slated to go in Charlottetown March 25, 26, and 27, 2015 (8:30-4:30 each day). This course is being offered based on several Island firms interested in gaining Safety Certification. We have adopted a strategy to make more options available to our client companies to increase their Health and Safety awareness, and having company Health and Safety Reps improve their understanding of how a Safety Program is developed and implemented. Your Coordinator will be personally reviewing this training proposal with you in the upcoming weeks. Please contact Gary Paynter (902-628-9227) if you have any further questions, or to confirm your attendance.

New Administrative Penalties- Nova Scotia
Effective October 1, 2014, the new Administrative Penalty system came into force. Highlights of this new system include:

Training Courses (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI):
As a value added feature to Minimum Billing Clients, specific Training elements (Program Training) are now included within the Minimum Billing umbrella. In addition, on-demand training (Compliance Training) is also featured. Notifications were individually mailed to all clients late last year. Your Coordinator will personally review these Training elements, and respond to any questions you may have. These Program additions are part of our goal to better serve and effectively coordinate your Safety Program.

Rate Increase:
Based on the published Statistics Canada cost of living increases per province, issued late January, 2015, there will be no rate increases for the year 2015 in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI. Increases are normally introduced yearly in July.

Terms of Reference Contract:
By way of better defining our role with your company, assisting in the formation/implementation/maintenance of your Safety Program, we are in the process of developing a “Terms of Reference Contract”. This will form the basis of our relationship with your firm. Highlighted items include “Purpose”, Roles and Responsibilities of the Safety Coordinator”, and “Roles and Responsibilities of the Client”. Your Coordinator will be reviewing this document with you in the next few months.


Jim and Nevin
